"Mechamorphosis": Alberto Scotti and Ilaria Colavito

"Mechamorphosis": Alberto Scotti and Ilaria Colavito

Mechamorphosis - 2022 from Alberto Scotti on Vimeo.

Meet "Mechamorphosis" - the graduation project of Escape Studios student Alberto Scotti, who has been completed his Master's Degree in the Art of Visual Effects (3D VFX) at Escape Studios.  Mechamorphosis was written and produced by Alberto Scotti and directed by Ilaria Colavito, both of who are now working as Studio Assistants at Escape Studios.  Animation was completed by Steven Lall,  and Hélios Lyons did the sound design and composed the original music.  Mechamorphosis is currently being entered into film festivals. 

Mechamorphosis - Credits in Full
Mechamorphosis at the IMDB

The Escape Studios Animation Blog
 offers a personal view on the art of animation and visual effects. To find out more about our BA/MArt courses, now recruiting for September 2023, follow this link.   To apply, visit the official page here.

* This article was originally published here


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