Undecember adds new runes, Christmas costumes, limited-time events and more in holiday update

Undecember adds new runes, Christmas costumes, limited-time
events and more in holiday update
LINE Games is joining in on all the Christmas celebrations this season as Undecember gives away holiday-themed costumes to make the hack-and-slash action RPG more festive. In particular, the Catch Santa Puru! Event lets Rune Hunters take part in a quest to catch Puru in Santa gear in exchange for Christmas Gift Boxes and Christmas Surprise Gift Boxes. The former can contain a Rune Birth Essence plus Pile of Gold Bars along with a Major Earth Element, while the latter will give away high-value items such as Vesper Essence, Legendary Imbue Essence and so much more. ... [MORE]

* This article was originally published here


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