LoL Patch 13.2 REVEALED

League of Legends patch 13.2 has had a slight delay due to a cyber-attack on Riot Games.
However, the full patch notes have now been revealed and show some interesting changes coming to the game.
With the Ahri ASU incoming and some big ADC buffs to tackle the tank meta, this may change the game as we know it.
As we now have the early full patch notes, we can see the smaller changes coming to items and champions in the game.
So, let's look at the full early patch notes for League of Legends patch 13.2.
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LoL Patch 13.2 Release DateThe next League of Legends patch should go live on January 25 2023.
But, the recent cyber-attack on Riot Games may push this update back a little bit.
We are still currently waiting for confirmation from Riot Games about when their content releases will return back to normal.
League of Legends 13.2 Full Patch Notes
Q : Orb of Deception
- Mana Cost Increased: 55 – 95 >>> 60 – 100
- AP Ratio Reduced: 45% >>> 40%
E: Charm
- Cooldown Reduced: 14 seconds >>> 12 seconds
- Duration Increased: 1.2 – 2 seconds >>> 1.4 – 2 seconds
Base Stats
- Scaling Mana Regen Increased: 0.8 >>> 1.0
Passive: Pyromania
- Stun is now primed on game start and respawn
E: Molten Shield
- Shield Potency Increased: 40 – 220 (+35% AP) >>> 40 – 220 (+55% AP)
- Now can only reflect damage once per target, per shield.
- Note: Tibbers duplicated shield counts as a new shield.
- Damage Reflect Increased: 20 – 60 (20% AP) >>> 30 – 90 (+40% AP)
- Damage is reflected on ability hits and attacks, not just auto attacks.
R: Summon Tibbers
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- Tibbers HP Increased: 1300 – 3100 (+0% AP) >>> 1300 – 3100 (+75% AP)
- Tibbers Resists Increased: 30 – 90 (+0% AP) >>> 30 – 90 (+5% AP)
- Tibbers MS Increased: 350 >> 350/ 375/ 400 (with rank)
Base Stats
- Mana Scaling Increased: 32 >>> 35
- Mana Regen Scaling Increased: .4 >>> .65
Base Stats
- Mana Scaling Increased: 35 >>> 40
- Mana Regen Scaling Increased: .55 >>> .7
Base Stats
- Mana Regen Scaling: .65 >>> 1
- Nerfs coming soon
- Nerfs coming soon
W: Deadly Flourish
- Mana Cost Reduced: 50 – 90 >>> 50 – 70
E: Captive Audience
- Mana Cost Reduced: 30 – 50 >>> 30
Base Stats
- Base Mana Increased: 245 >>> 260
- Mana Growth Increased: 45 >>> 50
W – Zap!
- Mana Cost Increased: 50 – 90 >>> 50 – 70
Base Stats
- Base Mana Increased: 344.88 >>> 345
- Mana Scaling Increased: 38 >>> 40
- Mana Regen Scaling Increased: .45 >>> .7
- Nerfs coming soon
- Nerfs coming soon
- Buffs coming soon
Base Stats
- Base Mana Decreased: 349 >>> 340
- Mana Growth Increased: 38 >>> 45
- Base Mana Regen Decreased: 8.18 >>> 8
- Mana Regen Growth Increased: .7 >>> .85
Further nerfs incoming
- Nerfs coming soon
Miss Fortune
Base Stats
- Mana Growth Increased: 35 >>> 40
- Mana Regen Decreased: 8.05 >>> 8
- Mana Regen Growth Increased: .65 >>> .8
W: Indestructible
- Damage to Shielding Conversion Reduced: 15% >>> 7.5%
- Nerfs coming soon
Passive: Clockwork Windup
- Damage now scales every level instead of every 3 levels (still 10 – 50)
Q: Command: Attack
- Pass through damage changed from -10% per target (up to -60%) to -30% flat
W: Command: Dissonance
- Mana Cost Reduced: 70 – 110 >>> 70 – 90
R: Command: Shockwave
- Damage Increased: 200 – 350 (+80% AP) >>> 250 – 450 (+90% AP)
- Nerfs coming soon
Base Stats
- Mana Regen Increased: .4 >>> .7
Base Stats
- Mana Scaling Increased: 40 >>> 45
W: Ricochet
- Mana Cost Decreased: 60 – 80 >>> 60
W: Force of Will
- Cast wind-down time removed
Base Stats
- Base Mana Increased: 287.2 >>> 300
- Mana Regen Scaling Increased: .45 >>> .7
- Nerfs coming soon
Base Stats
- Mana Regen Scaling Increased: .75 >>> .8
- Nerfs coming soon
E: Sleepy Trouble Bubble
- Now shreds 20 – 30% MR when target falls asleep (removed when they wake up).
Archangel’s Staff
- Tooltip notes being unique alongside other “Lifeline” items
Black Cleaver
- Health Increased: 350 >>> 400
- Attack Damage Increased: 45 >>> 50
Blade of the Ruined King
- Cooldown Increased: 20 >>> 30 seconds
- Damage Decreased: 40 – 150 >>> 40 – 103
- Lifesteal Reduced: 18% >>> 15%
- Shield Numbers Changed: 50 – 320 scaling from level one >>> 180 – 450 scaling from level nine
- Cost Reduced: 3400 > 3200
Bramble Vest
- Reflect Damage Increased: 4 >>> 6
- Grievous Wounds Application Increased: 25% >>> 40%
Chempunk Chainsword
- Grievous Wounds Application Increased: 25% >>> 40%
- No longer increases when damaging an enemy below 50% health
Chemtech Putrifier
- Recipe Changed: Oblivion Orb + Bandleglass Mirror >>> Oblivion Orb + Forbidden Idol
- Combination Cost Decreased: 500 >>> 375
- Grievous Wounds Application Increased: 25% >>> 40%
- No longer applies Grievous Wounds on damage via shielding or healing
- Ability Haste Reduced: 20 >>> 15
- Ability Power Reduced: 60 >>> 40
- Grants 8% Healing and Shielding Power (up from 0%)
Death’s Dance
- Recipe Changed: Pickaxe + Chain Vest + Caulfield’s Warhammer >>> Pickaxe + Pickaxe + Chain Vest
- Combination Cost Increased: 525 >>> 750
- Takedown Healing Reduced: 120% bonus AD >>> 50% bonus AD
- Armor Increased: 45 >>> 50
- Attack Damage Increased: 55 >>> 65
- Ability Haste Removed: 15 >>> 0
- Reciped Changed: Serrated Dirk + Long Sword + Vampiric Scepter >>> Serrated Dirk + Caulfield’s Warhammer
- Combination Cost Increased: 750 >>> 900
- Cooldown Reduced (Melee/ Ranged): 8/ 16 >>> 6/ 12 seconds
- Grants 15 Ability Haste (up from 0)
- Omnivamp Removed: 7% >>> 0%
Essence Reaver
- Attack Damage Increased: 45 >>> 55
- Combination Cost Increased: 400 >>> 500
Executioner’s Calling
- Grievous Wounds Physical Damage Increased: 25% >>> 40%
- Attack Damage Reduced: 20 >>> 15
- Health Increased: 350 >>> 400
- Mythic Passive Ability Hasted Decreased: 7 >>> 3
- Mythic Passive Health Increased: 0 >>> 50
Infinity Edge
- Critical Strike Required: 60% >>> 40%
Lord Dominik’s Regards
- Attack Damage Increased: 30 >>> 35
Maw of Malmortius
- Reciped Changed: Hexdrinker + Caulfield’s Warhammer >>> Hexdrinker + Pickaxe + Longsword
- Combined Cost Reduced: 500 >>> 375
- Lifeline Passive Changed: 10% omnivamp >>> 12% lifesteal
- Ability Haste Reduced: 20 >>> 0
- Attack Damage Increased: 55 >>> 65
- Reciped Changed: Oblivion Orb + Blasting Wand + Ruby Crystal >>> Oblivion Orb + Hextech Alternator + Amplifying Tome
- Combined Cost Increased: 450 >>> 715.
- Total Cost Increased: 2500 >>> 3000
- Grievous Wounds Application: 40% on Magic Damage, regardless of enemy health
- Health Reduced: 300 >>> 200
- Grants 10 Magic Pen (up from 0)
Mortal Reminder
- Reciped Changed: Executioner’s Calling + Zeal >>> Executioner’s Calling + Last Whisper + Cloak of Agility
- Combined Cost Decreased: 750 >>> 150
- Total Cost Increased: 2600 >>> 3000
- Grievous Wounds Application: 40% on Physical Damage
- Movement Speed Removed: 7% >>> 0%
- Attack Speed Removed: 20% >>> 0%
- Grants 30% Armor Pen (up from 0%)
- Is considered unique alongside other Last Whisper items
Navori Quickblades
- Critical Chance Required: 60% >>> 40%
Oblivion Orb
- Grievous Wounds Application Increased: 40% on Magic Damage
- Ability Power Reduced: 35 >>> 25
Ravenous Hydra
- Ability Haste Increased: 20 >>> 25
- Omnivamp changed for Lifesteal: 10% Omnivamp >>> 10% Lifesteal
- Cleave AOE Passive will now benefit from Lifesteal
Seraph’s Embrace
- Tooltip notes being unique alongside other “Lifeline” items
- Reflect Damage Bonus Armor Scaling Increased: 20% >>> 25%
- Reflect damage bAR scaling increased from 20 percent to 25 percent.
- Grievous Wounds Application: 40% on being hit, now applies nothing on immobilization effects
- Armor Increased: 60 >>> 70
- Base Shield Changed: 10 + 9% Maximum Health >>> 20 – 300 (based on level)
Chemtech Dragon Soul
- Low-health Damage Reduction Increased: 10% >>> 11%
- Low-health Damage Ability Power Increased: 10% >>> 11%
Chemtech Blight
- Tenacity per Chemtech stack Increased: 5% >>> 6%
- Heal and shield power per stack Increased: 5% >>> 6%
- Shield tooltip values for Smite now updated to reflect 12.23b hotfix.
- New “casual surrender” rules enabled for Normal lobbies.
- After 15 minutes, a surrender with 4 votes for and 1 against will pass.
* This article was originally published here
* This article was originally published here
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