Roterra 4 - Magical Revolution, the latest addition to the hit puzzler series, is out now for iOS

Roterra 4 - Magical Revolution, the latest addition to the
hit puzzler series, is out now for iOS
DiG-iT! Games’ hit puzzler franchise has announced the launch of yet another title, Roterra 4 – Magical Revolution, which is now available on the App Store. Pre-registrations kicked off back in September and the game is finally arriving on iOS. It is set within the same mystical world where players will be tasked with clearing mazes using switches, opening portals, clearing paths, and finding hidden blocks. Roterra 4 – Magical Revolution will give players loads of content with over 70 hand-crafted puzzles that will be featured across 35 unique levels. The fourth iteration will, like its predecessors, offer a thrilling journey filled with twists, warped trails, and rotating blocks. The unforgiving world will have perilous environments such as caves brimming with lava, frozen tundra, and arid deserts. ... [MORE]

* This article was originally published here


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